Achieve Your Goals in Just 90 Days
90 Day Sprints is a Notion system that will help you focus, take action, and achieve your goals. without the overwhelm.

Trusted by 637+ achievers worldwide
No daily habit tracker
Daily actions don’t happen in Notion, it happens in real life.
Use the weekly tracker to measure your weekly progress instead.
Property Description
Every key property has a brief explanation for more clarity & context
Charts Views
Visualize your weekly progress, goal achievements, and area improvements at a glance
Automatic Reminders
Log your progress consistently with weekly reminders
Progress Motivation
Year End Sprint
Essential 13 weeks. Perfect for testing the system and finishing the year strong.
13 Weeks
Progress charts
Quarter planner
Monthly reflections
Free lifetime updates
90 Day Sprints
50% OFF
A more powerful 52 weeks version. Perfect for absolute dedication.
52 Weeks
Progress charts
Quarter planner
Monthly reflections
Free lifetime updates
50% OFF for the first 100 customers (98 left)
Created by a Notion expert.
Hey, I’m Ali I’m a designer turned founder! I’m also a Notion expert with 6+ years of experience using Notion daily. I helped 17k+ founders make the most out of Notion.
Sep 27, 2024 • Ali Rashidy
Stop waiting for January to Start Changing Your Life
How to achieve massive personal growth in 13 weeks.
Oct 30, 2024 • Ali Rashidy
What 30 Days of Goal Achievement Taught Me
Completely transform how you think about goal achievement.
Dec 19, 2024 • Ali Rashidy
Start Strong, End Strong, and Ship Often
Three Powerful Lessons from a Productive November
Transform your goals into achievements in 90 days.
The 90 Day Sprints framework is a balanced framework that maximizes progress while minimizing friction. In 90 Day Sprints, you plan quarterly, analyze monthly, track weekly, and act daily.
This framework empowers you to narrow your focus, take consistent action, and achieve measurable results, setting the stage for a transformative quarter ahead.
The beauty of this framework lies in its balance, it integrates mid-term planning with short-term execution in an easy-to-sustain way. Not too much and not too little, just right. That’s why I believe this is the most balanced and sustainable framework for achieving your goals.
Whether you're focusing on health, career, relationships, or personal growth, the 90 Day Sprints framework provides the structure and tools to turn your goals into reality.
Wishing you determination, growth, and ultimately achieving your goals. If you need guidance, have questions, or want to share your progress, don't hesitate to Email or DM me anytime. I'm happy to help!

Ali R.
Founder · Notion Startup
I only built this system on Notion after using it for 3 years, and I continue to use it while you’re reading this, simply because it works. This is a framework made simple using Notion.
The template won’t magically transform your life, but your commitment and the framework will. To help you understand it, I documented my journey using the YES ritual last year. And I continue to publicly share my journey every month.
Every month, I share one email, which has my progress along with three insights I learned that month. Subscribe to get inspired and maybe learn something that can transform your life.